Sunday, January 11, 2009


i went to go visit with Danny's parents after work. i had to give them back some stockings from Christmas that we had taken. they ended up giving me 2 very nice bottles of wine ( they are complete winos with a large closet and 3 wine coolers stocked!)

so Ben, Ryan and I drank. Then danny came home and we smoked.

i read more of my book. talked about Aesop's doggy smell. (he is a hound. hound dogs are notorious for there pungent odors. i find them comforting. others find them completely disgusting)

anyways on a daily basis I try to channel Agnes's, Chanel, and Erin. try is the operative word. anyways i work a split shift tomorrow and 8hr days for the rest of the week. Adam is going to Hawaii. Tisha is going on a camping trip up north prob. the red woods or something. very jealous of both of the.

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