Friday, January 30, 2009

current events

its current even season.
unlike most students i definatly enjoy writing about current events, and i ften read about 10 articles before i choose one. this is the current top runner fo0r political science. but im still in search of a good macroeconomic article.

yes yes yes their are a plethora of articles out about the recent gross demestic product reports being the lowest been since 1982. and even those reports are supposidly skewed because they have counted products made that remain sitting on the shelves more accurate reports are supposed to be out soon.
if you didn't already know wall street bankerd delt out $20 billion in bounuses just after they begged the government for a bail out. the banks claim that they must give out bounuses in order to keep their best emploees. barf.
thogh i no it is vitally important for money to continue flowing through the system a part of my wishes that all of the banks would jsut fall on their face and we wouldn't ahve done any bail out and we wern't going to do a stimulouse package. so we could really see who the hard workers are and those born into rishes will fall on their ass because they don't understand th concept of hard work.

blah blah blah.

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