today i had my first day of schoooool. it goes macroeconomic. trigonometry. political science.
i definitely like all of my classes so far and the people. well I'm not super hot on the people in macro but i can deal. i spent 209$ on 3 books. all used barf.
I'm supposed to go to art tomorrow which i have been really excited about but i think I'm going to drop it and take some online computer courses. i haven't decided but i don't plan on going to class tomorrow. which makes me a bit sad but if i only have class 2 days a week then i will have enough time to create on my own. i, contemplating buying clay at the student store creating some things i have twirling in my brain then giving them to Ashley and having her fire them at the school.
which reminds me i have to go to the fabric store tomorrow. and Michael's.
oh i saw Mikey and Elan today. good to see old friends. really good friends from the past.
i think my classes are going to be quite difficult this semester but I'm pretty determined to do well. i already started reading my poly sci book. even tho he hasn't told use anything really about the class.
i need to review all the trig we did today. seriously 2 minutes into the class we were doing problems with no instructions or anything. it was a little aggravated. the teach is maybe 26 but she looks younger then me.
but William and Niko are in that class so hopefully they don't drop.
also in all of my classes their was at least 40 kids with about 5 on the walls wait listed. pity for them.
I'm going to go to sleep. or try to anyway. i have another month pass to millennium aka the best gym in Eldorado county (wootwoot)and i plan on really using it this time.
Danny Ben and i took Aesop to the dog park today but it was closed but we ran around with him anyway. then went to El rincon. definitely one of my favorite Mexican food places. but not above secret spot. then we ran errends. boring.
tomorrow we are going to go see my bloody valentine in 3D
very excited for some dark purple greenery and some seriously 3d HORROR.
this is by far the longest blog i have ever written.
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