i just traded an old anthropology book for a bottle of local wine and some bud butter with elan.
such a good deal.
this has been a pretty bad week. not really horrible just shitty.
sad sad sad.
anyways im telling danny that im staying in the apartment and if he wants more space then he can leave. i want to be able to spend as much time with my dog before i have to find a new home for him.
ahhhh im sooo sad i can't keep aesop. i feel like a complete failure. and i feel bad that now hes not going to have a full complete dog life with someone who's gotten to love him since he was a puppy.
i think not being able to take aesop with my is making me more sad then anything.
i am going to get boxes and start packing my shit up. our last day to move out is march 10. and i don't think we will be getting very much of our deposit back. that often tends to happen witch is complete bull shit. it shouldn't cost 15$ to do 1 touch up paint.
anyways i think im going to buy a new pair of shoes from airians and get a gold rush salad from cosmic cafe after ig et out of history.
quick little whinny blog for you blogosphere citizens.
not im going to research current events!